Duties and responsibilities:
An acupuncturist is a health care worker trained in using acupuncture to treat
a variety of disorders. Acupuncturists sometimes work with other health care
professionals to treat patients with disorders like musculoskeletal problems
including neck or back pain, insomnia, nausea and anxiety. Some acupuncturists
hold a medical degree, and many are trained in using Chinese herbs in
conjunction with acupuncture techniques. Their duties include:
· Respiratory
and circulatory disorders
· Relieve
pain and allergies
· Neurological
and stress-related disorders
· Muscle-skeletal
Salary: $41,000 -
Education: Master’s Degree, 3-4
years of study, a letter of recommendation, an essay, and GRE scores.
Add a picture:
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I wouldn’t like to be one because this job doesn’t interest
me. I wouldn’t want to help patients who musculoskeletal problems that have to
do with the neck or back. They get paid really well though.
Acupuncture needles are so fine that there is no discomfort when they are inserted but a slight tingle (known as needle sensation) may be experienced. At acupuncture lorne park clinic the needles are usually left in for approximately twenty minutes to more.