IDP Showcase
My first IDP showcase wasn't all bad. I went to the summer bridge program during the summer and we did one also. I wasn't really that nervous but I was really nervous for my first IDP showcase. I don't know why. Maybe because my mom went and that's what made me more nervous. I did good the first time and i don't know what happened this time. I enjoy presenting sometimes but we were presenting in front of our teachers and professionals. My topic for the IDP showcase was stroke. What I learned about stroke was that there is no cure for it but treatment may help. Early treatment with medications may help minimize the brain damage. Emergency treatment depends whether you are having an ischemic or a hemorrhagic stroke. My part of the IDP showcase was to talk about the treatments/cures. I didn't really dress professional attire because it was too cold that day and my mom wanted me to wear a dress since everyone else was wearing one. Next year for sure I am since I felt like I was the only one who wasn't dressed properly. I didn't get deducted points though which is the good thing. I think i did well. I was just really nervous. Next time I will make sure to practice presenting and be prepared. I was stuttering during the presentation and I need to stop that. I know I will improve on my presenting skills. That's what I like about this school. Some of my teachers didn't get a chance to practice presenting and getting them ready for college. I know H.P.I.A.M will get me prepared and settled off to go.
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