A. What you liked about the class and things you didn't like about it.
What I liked about this class is that we really have learned much about medical careers. That's a good thing for me since I want to become a heart surgeon when I'm older. I also like that we get to have an opportunity to go on typing tutor to memorize our keys. Lastly, I liked it when there was always CTR card checks. It reveals that you are really choosing the right by carrying your card with you to remind you to always choose the right an in return as an award for having it, you get candy or chocolate. I also liked that I got to make new friends here in this class. What I disliked about this class is that it gets boring sometimes. All we do is go on typing tutor and write reflections about a student success statement. Also I don't like how we can't communicate with our friends when we are done with our tasks.
B. List suggestions for improving the class.
Some suggestions that I suggest for improving the class is to at least let us play typing games. When I go on typing tutor and reach to level 16, it says that typing games are a fun and faster way to memorize your keys. Also to let us use our phones when we are done with our task. And lastly, when we have free time, to and sit with our friends so we won't be bored during our free time.
3. Answer: Did you really do your best in this class: computer work, CTR?
Yes I did do my best in this class. Especially with choosing the right. I realized that if you be a CTR person, more people will like you and that's what I've been doing. This class has inspired me to be obedient, honest, and to always choose the right. I always study for my tests and make sure I get my tasks done. Mr.Haymore has also made me realized that always choosing the right will give you good consequences in life. I think it's essential for everyone to choose the right.
4. Answer: Are you committed to being a CTR person? Why or why not?
Yes I am committed to being a CTR person because I want to be successful in life. Choosing the right is a priority for me. I want to get good grades, graduate, and go to college to make my mom proud. In my opinion, I think everyone should be committed to being a CTR person.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
IDP Showcase
IDP Showcase
My first IDP showcase wasn't all bad. I went to the summer bridge program during the summer and we did one also. I wasn't really that nervous but I was really nervous for my first IDP showcase. I don't know why. Maybe because my mom went and that's what made me more nervous. I did good the first time and i don't know what happened this time. I enjoy presenting sometimes but we were presenting in front of our teachers and professionals. My topic for the IDP showcase was stroke. What I learned about stroke was that there is no cure for it but treatment may help. Early treatment with medications may help minimize the brain damage. Emergency treatment depends whether you are having an ischemic or a hemorrhagic stroke. My part of the IDP showcase was to talk about the treatments/cures. I didn't really dress professional attire because it was too cold that day and my mom wanted me to wear a dress since everyone else was wearing one. Next year for sure I am since I felt like I was the only one who wasn't dressed properly. I didn't get deducted points though which is the good thing. I think i did well. I was just really nervous. Next time I will make sure to practice presenting and be prepared. I was stuttering during the presentation and I need to stop that. I know I will improve on my presenting skills. That's what I like about this school. Some of my teachers didn't get a chance to practice presenting and getting them ready for college. I know H.P.I.A.M will get me prepared and settled off to go.
"Always do right."
"Always do right."
By: Mark Twain
What this quote means is that we should always do what's right no matter what situation you are. You need to always do the right thing no matter what others think. When you know you're going to make a good decision, then do it. If you feel that you want to do something that you believe in, then do it. You should never rely your decisions on what people think of you. Fight for what you believe in and think what's right. If you have to study for a test and your friends invite you to party, you should always do right and stay home that day to study for that test. If you go out to party and not stay home to study then you are not doing what's right. The day of your test, you will regret not studying because you're going to struggle not knowing anything and just looking at the paper. Always doing right will give you good consequences in life. People will like you more, you'll have a good education, and you will be successful. That's why it is important to always do what's right.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company,"
"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company,"
I think this quote is a very tremendous statement. I really do agree with this quote because I am always on my own. I am there for myself. I make my own decisions. I rather be on my own than to be with bad influences. It's not worth it to hang around with those kind of people. I want to stay away from those people because I don't want to get myself into any trouble and want to be successful in life. You shouldn't depend on anyone else. Depending on yourself is the greatest thing because later on in life, your friends or family aren't always going to be there for you. I'm not saying to not socialize with people and make any friends, you should just surround yourself with people who choose the right and don't tell you what to do. Sometimes your friends can be helpful but they won't always be there. Friends come and go. Especially if you have friends who are bad influences. For example, if your friends want to invite you over to a party and get drunk, and you have to study for a test that you're going to take the next day, you stay and study for that test. Because if you fail that test and keep going to parties, you won't be able to go to college and be successful in life. Your friends are not going to help you pay for a roof to live in, provide clothes, and food. That's why you should always depend on yourself and be careful about what decisions you're going to make.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
"If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
By: Evan Stephens
What this quote defines is that you should have no fear in doing what's right. If you want to do something but nobody agrees with you, just do it. you shouldn't be afraid of doing what's right and what you believe in. You should never fear if your option is to always choose the right. For example, if you struggle on what to do just know that you should choose what's right. Another example is if you see a homeless person and he comes up to you and ask you for change and you give him what he ask for then you'll for sure feel so proud of yourself because you did what's right and therefore you won't feel guilty nor fear for yourself. An example of doing wrong is you witnessing something and do nothing about it knowing you could have done something about it. Therefore you will feel guilty for quite some time and you will have the worst consequence of fearing. Personally, what I really think this quote is telling you is that as long as you do what's right there is no absolute reason you should feel guilty or fear for yourself.
Friday, December 4, 2015
The 3 questions by Lou Holtz 1) Can people trust me to do what's right? 2) Am I commited to doing my very best? 3) Do I treat people the way I want to be treated ? "If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail".
The 3 questions:
1.Can people trust me to do what's right?
2.Am I committed to doing my very best?
3. Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
"If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fall."
By: Lou Holtz
I Believe that people can trust me to do what's right, why because if something happens to someone and it can be fixed then I'll help that person out and do the right thing. Yes, I am always commited to do my very best. I've always been commited to do my very best ever since I've been a little girl I would try my best in things even when I'd struggle and wanted to give up. Yes, sometimes I treat people the way I want to be treated because I don't want them to treat me in a disrespectful way. It also depends on how that person talks or treats me if that person is rude to me then I wouldn't mind being rude back. Personally, I think this quote is specifically saying that your success in life is practically based on your attitude tor personality to people and life. If people can trust you in doing what's right then you'll probably receive many great opportunities. If you are commited to always do your best then I'm pretty sure your optimism will take you somewhere great in life. And if you treat people the want to be treated I guarantee you will have a lot of friends who will always be there to support you through your ups and downs.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.
By: President John F. Kennedy
What I think this quote means is very true because if you read it carefully it makes a whole lot of sense. I think it's trying to say that being physically active won't just help you have a healthy body but it will also help you have a good mental health. It will help you have a successful life and do what's right. Maintaining a healthy body is not just about being active. For example, it's not right to drink alcohol or any drug. That is choosing the wrong and you will get addicted. Just like Mr. Haymore said also, drinking coffee is also a drug. It might taste good but it is bad for your health. Drugs are illegal. You wouldn't want to catch yourself into some trouble. Once you try a drug, you might like it and get obsessed and keep doing it. You're just killing yourself. If you are not physical active, then your mind won't work.
Monday, November 30, 2015
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
By: Joseph B. Wirthlin
This quote means that the only way to live and have a successful life is to have greatness in you and in life. Everywhere, there is greatness. For example, there is a student who is really great at Algebra and P.E. and they are very kind to people who they are not familiar with. Kindness is the nature of greatness. Another example is if you're a nice person the essence of greatness might perhaps come to you. Being kind is choosing the right. Everybody deserves to be treated with respect. You shall never judge a book by its cover. I agree with this quote because if you're nice, you will be safe and will feel happy. For me, this quote tells me that kindness makes other people feel happy. I think kindness is a powerful term that means greatness because you would be a great person in life.
Thanksgiving Week
Thanksgiving Week
Thursday, November 19, 2015
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."
By:Marcus Aurelius
This quote means that if you feel that something is not right, you shouldn't do it because after you'll feel guilt and it is the wrong thing to do. It's also saying that if you hear anything like for example a rumor about anyone, you should not say it because it is not true. You wouldn't want anyone to say anything about knowing if it's true or not. You shouldn't do any of these things because that is choosing the wrong and you will have to go through some bad consequences if you get caught. There are many consequences when you choose the wrong and you don't want to go through them because you will regret it. If you choose the right you will be rewarded. You shouldn't be doing something that isn't right and making up stuff if you know it's not true. This quote is amazing because it's showing us that we shouldn't pay attention to the bad decisions people have said, put to correct those people on their own mistakes. If you know what you're doing is wrong, do the opposite and do the right thing. Doing what is right and saying what is right is always the best thing to do. The reason why is because if you choose the right, good comes your way and you will always have success in your life. In my opinion, this is a good quote from Marcus Aurelius. People should consider it because talking what is not true and choosing what is not right can affect your life.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day
The first thanksgiving in the United States was on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1621. The pilgrims held their second thanksgiving celebration in 1623. Thanksgiving is the time when the pilgrims came to America and celebrated by having a feast with some Native Americans in the area that helped them get food. It was a huge feast with many people there. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving to get together with family or friends. Turkey is the most common popular food to eat on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a feast of thanksgiving, held on the fourth of Thursday in November in the United States. Traditionally, it is held to remember the celebration by the pilgrims of the first harvest in the new North America colony. The pilgrims wanted to thank the Native Americans for letting them have the opportunity and helping them survive in the new world. The next day is Friday which is known as Black Friday. Stores are considered in the Black when they have profit. Many stores have big sells and many people go Christmas shopping. Some stores open at 5 a.m. and people line up to get best discounts. So Black Friday means lots of stores making money and hopefully lots of people getting good deals. The day after Thanksgiving and Christmas is when people start setting up the Christmas lights.
12 things I am thankful for:
- Family
- Friends
- Food
- Health
- My Determination
- Quality of life
- My self esteem
- My mom
- Sense of purpose
- Social Interest
- Optimism
- My relationship
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
By:Chick Moorman
This quote means that doing what is right, fair and honorable is way more important than winning or losing. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it only matters if you do what's right. Winning can be a good thing but when you lose it's ok because there is always a next time and you just need to practice. You should never give up on what you want to accomplish. It's best to be a good sport than winning or losing. In a game it's mostly important to be fair and honorable. This is like a good sportsmanship.You're being fair and not being a inaugurate. And rather than winning or losing it's best for you to be doing the right. Most people will see and notice the sportsmanship that you have and it doesn't care if you win or lose it's about choosing the right.
and responsibilities: An Oncologist is a physician who specializes
in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Their duties include:
- Carry out medical research
- Perform physical assessments
- Develop research plans
- Carry our surgical procedures
- Complete procedures
- Provide treatment options
- Collect medical information on patient histories
· Inform patients about treatment
· Provide support for cancer patients
$222,873 - $351,598 per
Must have 15 years of
advanced education and training, which includes undergraduate studies, medical
school, and one more residency training programs. Additionally, licensure is
required to practice as a physician.
a picture:
Do you
think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like
to be an oncologist because I want to help those who are in need of help. I
want to make people happy with my support and help cure cancer patients. Also
this job gets paid really well.
Friday, November 13, 2015
"1. Have the courage to say no. 2. Have the courage to face the truth. 3.Do the right thing because it is right. These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."
By: W. Clement Stone
What W. Clement Stone is saying that you should always have courage. You always need to choose the right even though you don't have the courage to do it. You also need the courage to face the truth and blame it on somebody else. You need to choose the right because it's the right thing to do. When you choose the right, you'll feel good. In order to fulfill a truthful life, you need to live by these rules. For example, if a friend offers you drugs you should say no and walk away. You want to avoid yourself from choosing the wrong. Whatever you choose to do, you will face the consequences. You either will face good or bad consequences by choosing the right or not. And another example is getting caught when you are cheating on a test by copying someone elses, you should own up and tell the truth. At the end you will feel relief and better about yourself because you were being honest. Following these useful steps will help you live with a lot of integrity.
and responsibilities: An
actor is a person portraying a character in a dramatic or comic production; he
or she performs in film, television, theatre, radio, commercials or music
$20,428 - $195,754
1. Start in High School
2. Earn a degree in drama theater or a
related field
3. Study, practice and audition
4. Sign with a reputable agent
a picture:
Do you think
you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?
Yes I would
like to become an actor because that’s second favorite dream job that I want to
become. This is my favorite actor “Alexis” from Orange is the new Black. I want to be somewhat kind of actress like
her being in a prison. Also, this job pays well.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
1. What is Veterans Day?
· Veterans Day is a public holiday held
on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 (November 11) to honor US veterans
and victims of all wars.
2. When is it?
· November 11
3. What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
· The purpose of the holiday is to
honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
4. Why is it important to show honor on
Veterans Day?
· It is important to show honor on
Veterans Day because it shows respect for those who were willing to give their
lives to the country. It shows that we appreciate the veterans.
5. List several ways to show honor and
respect on Veterans
· Show up at a Veterans Day event.
· Donate to an organization who offers
all manner of support, services, and appreciation for our service members.
· Fly a flag.
· Ask someone about their service.
· Write a simple letter or postcard to
a Veteran you know of.
· Visit a hospital.
· Get outdoors with a Veteran.
6. Insert a few Veterans Day pictures
7. Write anything else of special
interest to you pertaining to Veterans Day
· It replaced Armistice Day on June 1,
8. Write a Reflection of at least eight
sentences expressing your feelings toward Veterans Day.
· Throughout the research for Veterans
Day, I feel that it did deserve to be a holiday so people can realize what our
brave Veterans did to fight for our country. Veterans were willing to risk
their lives for us and our country. I think we should take time on Veterans Day
to appreciate these Veterans. They’ve done so much for us that we should show
respect to them as showing honor. Also
showing respect for those families who has lost their sons in the war. I would
really like to thank these Veterans for fighting for our country. The least we
can do is pray for those who lost during the war and congratulate those who survived
the war. Without them fighting for us, who knows what can happen to our
country. These brave Veterans deserve to be shown respect not only on Veterans
day but every day.
Friday, November 6, 2015
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
Proverbs 13:20
What this quote is trying to say is that someone who walks in with good company shall be a wise person and someone who walks in with bad people shall be a person with bad habits and be discriminated. When you hang out with the wrong crowd and choose to do something wrong and you know it's wrong, you'll end up in a bad spot. If you hang out with a good crowd, good influences will come out of you and you won't have to worry about the bad habits. For example, if you you hang out with wise people who are smart, seem like nice friends, and they help you out whenever you're in a difficult situation, you are doing the right thing because you don't want to end up like a companion of fools and be destroyed. And what I mean by destroyed is that you will give yourself a bad name if you choose to hang out with the wrong people, they will mess up your future. Nobody wants to be unsuccessful in the future. If you want to be successful in the future, surround yourself with good people! You'll make plenty of friends and just talk to them for a while but they aren't really your true friends. Your true friends are the ones who are always there for you. True friends will help you reach your goal. They'll help you out in school like helping you on your homework or help you study for a quiz. I mean you only live once and while you're at it, you should live it right. Choosing the wrong might be fun sometimes but later on you'll regret it. That's why you need to walk with wise men.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
"The best recreation is to do good."
"The best recreation is to do good."
By: William Penn
I agree with this statement because you should always do the right thing. When you do the right thing, you feel good. Doing good will not only help you, but it will help others as well. You should be positive about your life and do good things. Doing the right thing always lets you have fun and enjoy everything in a safe way. What I think this quote is trying to say is that your best action of how you are as a human is the best when you just do it for enjoyment. For example, when you are in leisure just to be good for fun you don't have to try hard just to show that you are a good person for everybody else. Just be good yourself. You should always make the right choices even when everyone is against it. Always go with what you know is right and never go with what you know is wrong. You should always choose the right because you'll feel good after. You want to be a good person who is always doing the right thing.
Monday, November 2, 2015
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
By: William Penn
This quote defines that you should always do the right thing, even if nobody agrees with you or supports you. Just because because nobody does, it doesn't mean you have to follow others and do the wrong thing. The decisions you make will affect you, not anyone else. So every choice that you have, should be the one that you chose according to your actions. For example, if you go to school where uniform is required, you need to wear it. Even if you someone else secretly not wearing uniform, you should still wear it. An example of doing wrong is disobeying the rules. When you're in class, the first rule is to be respectful to everyone. If you see someone else disrespecting an individual and you join them, that's doing wrong. Everyone should respect each other. You want to treat others the way you want to be treated.
Health Educator
Health Educator
and responsibilities: A
health educator is someone who promotes, maintains, and improves individual and
community health by assisting individuals and communities to adopt healthy
behaviors. Community healthworkers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.
$30,000 - $59,789
Education: Learn about health education, complete
your undergraduate degree, get certified, consider an advanced degree, and find
your first job
a picture:
Do you think
you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
No I would not like to be one because this job doesn’t
interest me at all. They don’t get paid well either.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
By:Peter Vidmar
Peter Vidmar is trying to say that you should fight for what you want and what you believe in. This quote inspires me to reach for my goals and never quit. My goal is to get a GPA of 4.0 this year and that's what I'm going to do. No matter what or no matter hard work I have to face, I will push myself into working hard into accomplishing this goal. If you really want to accomplish something, you should do it right now. No matter how hard it is, you'll get there and say that you did it. Hard work really does pay off and you won't regret it. I think this quote is very powerful to fulfill your dreams in life. The reason why is because if we want something in the future, we should't sacrifice it for what we want right now. It's basically saying that to not risk what you want most. Don't stress yourself out on what you want as of right now. Do the regular basis of your life and just go with the flow. In order to pursue your dreams, you need to choose the right. Peter Vedmar chose the right and that's how he got a perfect score of 10 in the Olympics.
Health Administrator
and responsibilities: also known as medical and health services
managers or health care executives, they coordinate the activities of medical
organizations ranging from doctors’ offices to hospital departments to health
care corporations. They create goals and the strategies for achieving them, and
communicate this information to all employees.
$31,415 - $104,939
you have to have a master’s degree in order to
be in a higher-level health care administration in a field such as public
health or business. To have a bachelor’s degree, it places you in an often
sufficient for entry-level positions, or for employment with smaller facilities
when coupled with relevant health care experience.
a picture:
Do you think
you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?
I wouldn’t
like to be a Health Administrator because this career doesn’t interest me at
all. I’m more into becoming someone who works in the hospital as a surgeon or a
correctional officer. They get paid well but it still doesn’t interest me.
Friday, October 23, 2015
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
Proverbs 22:1
According to this quote, it's basically saying that if you have a good name, people will see you as a good person. You would want to have a good reputation for yourself, not a bad one. You want people to look up to you and you'll also want people to look up to you as their mentor. Having a bad name is rather to be chosen than having no riches at all. Having a good name is chosen over any other great things. You want everyone to see you as a good person and see the great qualities you have as a person. You want to give them a good visual image in the representation of your name. This quote says that a good name should be chosen than any other luxury things/money. I believe that this quote is true because I wouldn't be comfortable getting fancy things knowing that my name is known as a bad person ,but in other cases it might be different because people might be jealous of you knowing that you are a good person and start rumors that say you are a bad person. For example, if you're rich and don't share any of your money to donate to charity, you're not a nice person nor deserve to have a good name. Somebody with a nice heart receives more riches than a wealthy person. Having a good name is what you want. Choosing the right will help you have a good name.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."
By: Coach K
What Coach K is trying to say is that having a good reputation for yourself is the best thing you can achieve in life. You would want people to see you as a good person, not a bad person. You would want to be somebody's mentor so they can look up to you and follow your footsteps. This quote is referring that your name should be your definition of how you are. For example, you don't want to be that type of person that when someone hears your name, you don't want that person to remember you in a negative way. You want them refer to you as a good friend and a good human being. What he means by saying that a good name is better than anything in this life is that you want the best for yourself and want everybody to know that you're a good person. Having a good name is staying in school, getting an education, go to college, and getting a job that you enjoy working for. Having a bad name is getting bad grades, dropping out of school, choosing the wrong, and going out to clubs while doing drugs. You would't want to have a bad reflection for yourself and see what you've become. Coach K is a great example of having a good name.
Monday, October 19, 2015
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
By: Thomas S. Monson
This quote is saying that you should always stand up for what is right and what ever you believe in and not listen or follow others who are doing the wrong thing. If your "friends" are trying to make you do something bad like drugs, then you should avoid that because you wouldn't want to hang out with people who are bad influences. You shouldn't do something that you are uncomfortable of doing. That's why you have to stand up for yourself. You should never do anything that's wrong to impress others. You'll probably be the only one doing the right thing, but you'll be rewarded unknowingly like good karma. If you are being pressured by your friends (peer pressure) to do something and you know it's wrong, make a stand to the correct situation. Even if you have no one to back you up in your stand, you must be brave enough to stand up, and when there are others in the same situation they can look up to you and do the same steps.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."
"A CTR is a person who makes a great human out of himself."
By: Noemi Trigueros
This quote defines if you do the right thing, you will make the best out of yourself. You would want a good reputation of yourself. It also means that if you're a champion, your outcome is a positive thing because you are a positive of good and making good choices. Choosing the right is always the right thing to do. No matter what situation you're in, you always need to choose the right. Being a CTR champion will bring positivity into your life. The happiest people out there are those who always chooses the right. Doing the right thing and being obedient is the key to success. You should enjoy life by choosing the right than rather disobey the rules. The choices you make now, will affect you later in the future. It will either be positive or negative rewards. Whatever you desire. It's up to you if you rather choose to be a CTR person or a CTW person. It's always better to choose the right.
Ear, Nose and Throat
Ear, Nose and Throat
(ENT) Specialist
and Responsibilities: a
physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose and
throat. They have special skills in managing diseases of the ear, nose, throat,
and head and neck as well. An ENT specialist is also known as an
Otolaryngologist. They handle situations like nosebleed, adenoidectomies,
infected mastoids, tonsillectomies, and sin suits.
$237,788 - $439,765
You will need to go to
medical school. Score well on the MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA. Apply
to 4 years of medical school. And a bachelor’s of Arts degree if desired.
a picture:
Do you think
you would like to be one?
Why? Why not?
I wouldn’t
like to be one because I am not really interested in this job. I wouldn’t want
to help people with their ear, nose, and throat. I think that this job isn’t for me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?"
By: Alan Stein
This quote defines that success just doesn't happen automatically to anyone. Nobody gets chosen to be successful or to be born successful. It only happens to people who chooses to be successful. In order to be successful, you need to work hard for it. Nothing is easy in life so you have to hustle for it. A lot of people choose not to hustle because they're lazy or they just don't care about their future but once they found out that they chose the wrong, they will want to go back in time and fix their mistakes. You can't have success by not doing anything. You have to work for it in order to be successful. Being successful and having a successful life is the correct path you want to lead yourself to. If you really want to join a career that you really love, you need to really work hard for it. If you don't choose to study and stay focus on your education, then you will hustle for the rest of your entire life. Nobody wants to work for a job that they don't like and not enjoy waking up early in the morning knowing you have to go to work. If you put so much progress into school, you won't have to worry about anything in your future. You'll have a home, enough money to pay off bills, and enough money to feed off your family. Choosing the right is being successful.
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